Fix-It When Arlo Camera Not Recording Properly | Arlo Help Phone Number +1 (845) 253-2901
If your Arlo Camera Not Recording properly then a number of reasons could be responsible for it like inaccurate camera position, motion sensitivity, disabled notifications, and loose cable connections.
In this guide, we are going to discuss all the troubleshooting steps that are required to fix the Arlo camera problems. If you don’t want to get in trouble then do call on the given Arlo Camera Phone Number now. Our customer experts will look into the matter and make your camera start working again.
How To Fix When My Arlo Camera Not Recording Anything?
You need to position your security camera, check the motion sensitivity settings, make the notifications, and verify all the cable connections if your Arlo Camera Is Not Recording properly.
Check All The Connected Cables
All the cables that you have attached to the router or security camera should be connected tightly. Other times, a loose cable connection could be another reason why Arlo Camera Stopped Recording.
This is why it is necessary to check all the cables properly and replace them with new ones if found damaged.
Position Arlo Security Camera Accurately
It may be possible that you have positioned the Arlo security camera in the wrong direction. This is the reason why your Arlo Camera Not Recording anything properly. With the help of experts, you would need to position the security camera again.
Check The Motion Sensitivity Settings
If your Arlo Camera Not Recording When Motion is Detected then check the motion detection settings of the camera. It may be possible that you have accidentally saved the motion detection too low. Hence, the Arlo camera is not able to record anything.
Enable All The Notifications
There could be the chance that your Arlo camera is working fine but you are not getting any notifications on your device. Hence, you need to check whether you have entered the right email id or not.
Don’t Aim Arlo Camera To Look Via Glasses
Most of the Arlo camera users start getting this issue after they aim the camera to look through the glasses. Let us tell you that if you position any camera in the way that it has to record through transparent objects then the motion detection ability will decrease. Hence, you would need to check to relocate your security camera if your Arlo Not Recording All Motion.
How To Fix When Arlo Won’t Connect To Wifi?
After the proper inspection, if you have found that your camera is not working because it is not connecting to wifi then here are the steps to follow.
If your Arlo Won’t Connect To Wifi then it is a must to check the cable connections, router, and batteries inside the camera properly. Apart from this, make sure that you have placed the base station near the router.
Minimize the distance between the router, camera, and base station if the issue still persists. After doing that, restart the router, and Arlo security camera if your Arlo Camera Not Recording properly.
Note: After trying the method, if the issue still persists then you will need to reset the Arlo security camera to factory defaults. This is the last troubleshooting method that you can apply to your security camera.
In this guide, we have told you all the troubleshooting steps that are needed to fix the issue when Arlo Camera Not Recording anything. To start the troubleshooting steps, you would first need to check the available internet connection. To ask anything related to the Arlo security camera, call on Arlo Tech Support Phone Number at +1 (845) 253-2901. Our team of experts is 24*7 available to help you.
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