How To Fix It When Amcrest Camera Not Recording Motion?
Motion detection is one of the important features of any security camera. With the help of it, you will be notified once the camera detects any motion. Due to some technical issues, sometimes the Amcrest Camera Not Recording Motion . If your Amcrest Camera Not Recording Motion, reconfigure motion detection, Set up the push notifications on the phone app, Update the firmware, Update the CCTV phone app, and change the placement of the camera. There are two general methods via CCTV security systems to detect motion. The most common one is based on software algorithms and works by measuring changes in pixels. When these pixels change, the software takes that as a motion. In the other security cameras, motion is detected by body heat and infrared energy coming back from the object/subject. It is known as PIR motion sensors. It is not software-based, but it's a physical module that detects motion. Fix Amcrest Camera Not Recording Motion Allow or reconfigure motion detection Update the CC...